Formacion oficial (Alineación 1)
* Timo Kotipelto - Voz (1995-2004,2005-)
* Jens Johansson - Teclados (1995-)
* Jörg
* Lauri Porra - Bajo (2005-)
* Matias Kupiainen -
Formación no oficial (Alineación 2)
* Timo Tolkki - Guitarra y Voz (1985-2008, 2008-)
* Tuomo Lassila - Batería (1984-1995, 2008-)
* Antti Ikonen -
Miembros anteriores:
* Jyrki Lentonen (1984-1989)
* Jari Behm (1992)
* Jari Kainulainen (1993-2005)
* Sami Kuoppamäki - (1994)
* Anders Johansson - (durante un periodo de prueba en 2004, cuando Jörg Michael abandonó la banda)
* Staffan Stråhlman (1982-1985)
Katriina «Miss K» Wiiala (durante un periodo de prueba en 2004, cuando Kotipelto estaba fuera de la banda)
* Antti Ikonen - (1984-1995)
El nombre Stratovarius es un nombre compuesto por dos nombres relacionados con instrumentos musicales: Stradivarius (apellido del conocido luthier italiano, y cuyos violines son apreciados por los músicos) y Stratocaster (modelo de la
Stratovarius es
Llamados inicialmente «Black Water», Stratovarius inicia su camino en 1984 con tres
En 1985 Staffan Strahlman deja la banda y es reemplazado por Timo Tolkki quien comienza a intervenir en las voces. Bajo esta formación, en 1987, lanzan al
Después graban los discos Twilight Time (originalmente llamado Stratovarius II y del cual se prodijeron solamente 1000 copias con este nombre, la mayoría en formato vinilo) y Dreamspace. Durante la grabación de Dreamspace se integra a la banda Jari Kainulainen como bajista, luego de que se le solicitara a su predecesor, Jari Behm,
Después de tocar en el Giants of Rock Timo Tolkki deja las voces para dedicarse exclusivamente a la guitarra, y en su lugar deja a un vocalista mucho mejor: Timo Kotipelto. Así un nuevo álbum, Fourth Dimension, llega en 1995 superando con creces las
Después de Fourth Dimension, Timo Tolkki y Timo Kotipelto deciden
En octubre de 1998 Stratovarius lanza su séptimo álbum, «Destiny», que fue un éxito, especialmente en Finlandia, siendo número
Sin embargo, no
Stratovarius, sobre todo a partir de «Fourth Dimension», es un grupo extremadamente melódico, destacando los solos de guitarra y teclado. Temas como «Against The Wind», «Black Diamond», «Forever» y «Hunting High & Low» son muy representativos de la banda, que es una de las máximas referencias del «Power Metal Melódico».
Tras varios
En enero de 2005, se anunció que Stratovarius había reunido la antigua alineación. En junio de 2005, Tolkki anunció que el bajista de la banda, Jari Kainulainen, había dejado la banda debido a motivos personales. Fue sustituido por Lauri Porra, un joven
Stratovarius luego lanzó el auto-titulado álbum Stratovarius (álbum) en septiembre de 2005. Durante este
Después de un largo período de silencio, el 4 de marzo de 2008, Timo Tolkki declaró oficialmente la disolución de Stratovarius en su
Las tensiones internas dentro de la banda se citaron como la causa, diciendo que Lauri Porra y Jens Johannson eran su único apoyo, Jörg Michael se centró más en su período de sesiones de
Saldía en tonces el disco de la "nueva" agrupación de Tolkki donde aparecen conocidos cantantes como Michael Kiske y Tobias Sammet entre otros. Sin embargo los miembros restantes de Stratovarius liberarían por la
Los miembros restantes de Stratovarius publicaron una
Al poco tiempo, Tolkki da una declaración
En una entrevista, Timo Kotipelto, Jens Johansson y Lauri Porra, han anunciado que entre finales del 2008 y principios del 2009 comenzarán a componer un nuevo disco.
Luego, a finales del 2008 Stratovarius anunció quién sería el que remplazará a Tolkki, un joven guitarrista finlandés, Matias Kupiainen, quien aparece en un vídeo subido a YouTube por los mismos integrantes llamado "Work in Progresser" donde se aprecian las sesiones de ensayo del nuevo disco, también hay incluida una parte de lo que sería una canción de su futuro álbum.
En una entrevista a Timo Tolkki, confirma que les cedió todos los derechos de Stratovarius lo que indica que continuarán con el mismo nombre.
En la segunda mitad del 2009, Stratovarius empieza su Tour Polaris 2009 recorriendo varios países de Europa y luego pasando por USA,
Discos de Estudio
Fright Night - 1989
1. Future Shock 04:35
2. False Messiah 05:20
3. Black Night 03:43
4. Witch-Hunt 03:23
5. Fire Dance 02:21
6. Fright Night 08:13
7. Night Screamer 04:48
8. Darkness 06:58
9. Goodbye 01:12
Total playing time 40:34
Mp3 128 kbps
Twilight Time - 1992
1.Break the Ice 04:41
2. The Hands of Time 05:36
3. Madness Strikes at Midnight 07:20
4. Metal Frenzy 02:20
5. Twilight Time 05:51
6. The Hills Have Eyes 06:19
7. Out of the Shadows 04:10
8. LeadUs Into the Light 05:46
Total playing time 42:03
Mp3 320 kbps
Dreamspace - 1994
1. Chasing Shadows 04:38
2. 4th Reich 05:49
3. Eyes of the World 05:57
4. Hold on to Your Dream 03:34
5. Magic Carpet Ride 04:49
6. We Are the Future 05:20
7. Tears of Ice 05:15
8. Dreamspace 05:58
9. Reign of Terror 03:29
10. Thin Ice 04:23
11. Atlantis 01:08
12. Abyss 04:59
13. Shattered 03:30
14. Wings of Tomorrow 05:08
Total playing time 01:03:57
Mp3 Vbr (224 - 320) kbps
Fourth Dimension - 1995
1. Against theWind 03:48
2. Distant Skies 04:10
3. Galaxies 05:01
4. Winter 06:32
5. Stratovarius (instrumental) 06:22
6. Lord of the Wasteland 06:10
7. 030366 05:47
8. Nightfall 05:09
9. We Hold the Key 07:53
10. Twilight Symphony 07:00
11. Call of the Wilderness (instrumental) 01:30
Total playing time 59:26
Mp3 128 kbps
Episode - 1996
1. Father Time 05:02
2. Will the Sun Rise? 05:06
3. Eternity 06:56
4. Episode 02:01
5. Speed of Light 03:03
6. Uncertainty 05:59
7. Season of Change 06:57
8. Stratosphere 04:52
9. Babylon 07:09
10. Tomorrow 04:52
11. Night Time Eclipse 07:58
12. Forever 03:06
Total playing time 01:03:01
Mp3 192 kbps
Visions - 1997
1. The Kiss of Judas 05:49
2. BlackDiamond 05:39
3. ForeverFree 06:00
4. Before the Winter 06:07
5. Legions 05:43
6. The Abyss of Your Eyes 05:38
7. Holy Light (Instrumental) 05:45
8. Paradise 04:27
9. Coming Home 05:36
10. Visions (Southern Cross) 10:15
Total playing time 01:01:04
Mp3 192 kbps
Visions(Japanese Edition) - 1997
1. The Kiss of Judas 05:49
2. Black Diamond 05:39
3. Forever Free 06:00
4. Before the Winter 06:07
5. Legions 05:43
6. The Abyss of Your Eyes 05:38
7. Holy Light (Instrumental) 05:45
8. Paradise 04:27
9. Coming Home 05:36
10. Visions (Southern Cross) 10:15
11. Black Diamond (Demo Version)
12. Uncertainty (Live Version)
Mp3 320 kbps
Destiny - 1998
1. Destiny 10:15
2. S.O.S. 04:15
3. No Turning Back 04:22
4. 4000 Rainy Nights 06:00
5. Rebel 04:16
6. Years Go By 05:14
7. Playing With Fire 04:15
8.Venus in the Morning 05:35
9. Anthem of the World 09:31
10. Paradise
European bonus track:
11. Cold Winter Nights
Total playing time 53:43
Mp3 128 kbps
Infinite - 2000
1. Hunting High and Low 04:08
2. Millennium 04:10
3.Mother Gaia 08:18
4. Phoenix 06:13
5. Glory of the World 04:53
6. A Million Light Years Away 05:20
7. Freedom 05:03
8.Infinity 09:22
9. Celestial Dream 02:30
Total playing time 49:57
Mp3 320 kbps
Elements Pt.1 - 2003
1. Eagleheart 03:50
2. Soul of a Vagabond 07:22
3. Find Your Own Voice 05:13
4. Fantasia 09:56
5. Learning to Fly 06:22
6. Papillon 07:01
7. Stratofortress 03:26
8. Elements 12:01
9. ADrop in the Ocean 06:50
Total playing time 01:02:01
Mp3 320 kbps
Elements Pt. 2
1. Alpha & Omega 06:38
2. I Walk to My Own Song 05:03
3. I'm Still Alive 04:50
4. Season of Faith's Perfection 06:09
5. Awaken the Giant 06:37
6. Know the Difference 05:39
7. Luminous 04:49
8.Dreamweaver 05:53
9. Liberty 05:02
Total playing time 50:40
Mp3 128 kbps
Stratovarius - 2005
1. Maniac Dance 04:35
2. Fight!!! 04:03
3. Just Carry On 05:28
4. Back to Madness 07:43
5. Gypsy in Me 04:28
6. Götterdämmerung (Zenith of Power) 07:13
7. The Land of Ice andSnow 03:05
8. Leave the Tribe 05:42
9.United 07:02
Total playing time 49:19
Mp3 128 kbps
Polaris - 2009
1. Deep Unknown 04:28
2. Falling Star 04:33
3. King of Nothing 06:43
4. Blind 05:28
5. Winter Skies 05:50
6. Forever Is Today 04:40
7. Higher We Go 03:47
8. Somehow Precious 05:37
9. Emancipation Suite I: Dusk 06:57
10. Emancipation Suite II: Dawn 03:40
11. When Mountains Fall 03:12
Total playing time 54:55
Mp3 Vbr (224 - 320) Kbps
Fright Night - 1989

1. Future Shock 04:35
2. False Messiah 05:20
3. Black Night 03:43
4. Witch-Hunt 03:23
5. Fire Dance 02:21
6. Fright Night 08:13
7. Night Screamer 04:48
8. Darkness 06:58
9. Goodbye 01:12
Total playing time 40:34

Twilight Time - 1992

2. The Hands of Time 05:36
3. Madness Strikes at Midnight 07:20
4. Metal Frenzy 02:20
5. Twilight Time 05:51
6. The Hills Have Eyes 06:19
7. Out of the Shadows 04:10
8. Lead
Total playing time 42:03
Mp3 320 kbps

Dreamspace - 1994

1. Chasing Shadows 04:38
2. 4th Reich 05:49
3. Eyes of the World 05:57
4. Hold on to Your Dream 03:34
5. Magic Carpet Ride 04:49
6. We Are the Future 05:20
7. Tears of Ice 05:15
8. Dreamspace 05:58
9. Reign of Terror 03:29
10. Thin Ice 04:23
11. Atlantis 01:08
12. Abyss 04:59
13. Shattered 03:30
14. Wings of Tomorrow 05:08
Total playing time 01:03:57
Mp3 Vbr (224 - 320) kbps

Fourth Dimension - 1995

1. Against the
2. Distant Skies 04:10
3. Galaxies 05:01
4. Winter 06:32
5. Stratovarius (instrumental) 06:22
6. Lord of the Wasteland 06:10
7. 030366 05:47
8. Nightfall 05:09
9. We Hold the Key 07:53
10. Twilight Symphony 07:00
11. Call of the Wilderness (instrumental) 01:30
Total playing time 59:26
Mp3 128 kbps

Episode - 1996

1. Father Time 05:02
2. Will the Sun Rise? 05:06
3. Eternity 06:56
4. Episode 02:01
5. Speed of Light 03:03
6. Uncertainty 05:59
7. Season of Change 06:57
8. Stratosphere 04:52
9. Babylon 07:09
10. Tomorrow 04:52
11. Night Time Eclipse 07:58
12. Forever 03:06
Total playing time 01:03:01
Mp3 192 kbps

Visions - 1997

1. The Kiss of Judas 05:49
2. Black
3. Forever
4. Before the Winter 06:07
5. Legions 05:43
6. The Abyss of Your Eyes 05:38
7. Holy Light (Instrumental) 05:45
8. Paradise 04:27
9. Coming Home 05:36
10. Visions (Southern Cross) 10:15
Total playing time 01:01:04
Mp3 192 kbps

Visions(Japanese Edition) - 1997

1. The Kiss of Judas 05:49
2. Black Diamond 05:39
3. Forever Free 06:00
4. Before the Winter 06:07
5. Legions 05:43
6. The Abyss of Your Eyes 05:38
7. Holy Light (Instrumental) 05:45
8. Paradise 04:27
9. Coming Home 05:36
10. Visions (Southern Cross) 10:15
11. Black Diamond (Demo Version)
12. Uncertainty (Live Version)
Mp3 320 kbps

Destiny - 1998

1. Destiny 10:15
2. S.O.S. 04:15
3. No Turning Back 04:22
4. 4000 Rainy Nights 06:00
5. Rebel 04:16
6. Years Go By 05:14
7. Playing With Fire 04:15
9. Anthem of the World 09:31
10. Paradise
European bonus track:
11. Cold Winter Nights
Total playing time 53:43
Mp3 128 kbps

Infinite - 2000

1. Hunting High and Low 04:08
2. Millennium 04:10
4. Phoenix 06:13
5. Glory of the World 04:53
6. A Million Light Years Away 05:20
7. Freedom 05:03
9. Celestial Dream 02:30
Total playing time 49:57
Mp3 320 kbps

Elements Pt.1 - 2003

1. Eagleheart 03:50
2. Soul of a Vagabond 07:22
3. Find Your Own Voice 05:13
4. Fantasia 09:56
5. Learning to Fly 06:22
6. Papillon 07:01
7. Stratofortress 03:26
8. Elements 12:01
9. A
Total playing time 01:02:01
Mp3 320 kbps

Elements Pt. 2

1. Alpha & Omega 06:38
2. I Walk to My Own Song 05:03
3. I'm Still Alive 04:50
4. Season of Faith's Perfection 06:09
5. Awaken the Giant 06:37
6. Know the Difference 05:39
7. Luminous 04:49
9. Liberty 05:02
Total playing time 50:40
Mp3 128 kbps

Stratovarius - 2005

1. Maniac Dance 04:35
2. Fight!!! 04:03
3. Just Carry On 05:28
4. Back to Madness 07:43
5. Gypsy in Me 04:28
6. Götterdämmerung (Zenith of Power) 07:13
7. The Land of Ice and
8. Leave the Tribe 05:42
Total playing time 49:19
Mp3 128 kbps

Polaris - 2009

1. Deep Unknown 04:28
2. Falling Star 04:33
3. King of Nothing 06:43
4. Blind 05:28
5. Winter Skies 05:50
6. Forever Is Today 04:40
7. Higher We Go 03:47
8. Somehow Precious 05:37
9. Emancipation Suite I: Dusk 06:57
10. Emancipation Suite II: Dawn 03:40
11. When Mountains Fall 03:12
Total playing time 54:55
Mp3 Vbr (224 - 320) Kbps

Infinity - Limited Edition 2010

Banda: Stratovarius
Album: Infinite (Limited Edition)
Año: 2010
Genero: Power Metal
Country: Finlandia, Helsinki
Calidad: 320 Kbps
Album: Infinite (Limited Edition)
Año: 2010
Genero: Power Metal
Country: Finlandia, Helsinki
Calidad: 320 Kbps
01. Hunting High And Low 04:09
02. Millennium 04:09
03.Mother Gaia 08:18
04. Phoenix 06:13
05. Glory Of The World 04:53
06. A Million Light Years Away 05:19
07. Freedom 05:04
08.Infinity 09:22
09. Celestial Dream 02:29
02. Millennium 04:09
04. Phoenix 06:13
05. Glory Of The World 04:53
06. A Million Light Years Away 05:19
07. Freedom 05:04
09. Celestial Dream 02:29
Stratovarius - Infinite (Bonus CD) (2010)
01. Why Are We Here 04:44
02. It's A Mystery 04:05
03. Neon Light Child 05:09
04. Hunting High And Low (Demo Version) 04:20
05. Millenium (Demo Version) 04:10
06. Phoenix (Live) 06:33
07. Infinity (Live) 09:17]
02. It's A Mystery 04:05
03. Neon Light Child 05:09
04. Hunting High And Low (Demo Version) 04:20
05. Millenium (Demo Version) 04:10
06. Phoenix (Live) 06:33
07. Infinity (Live) 09:17]

Polaris [Reeditado] 2010

1. Deep Unknown
2. Falling Star
3. King of Nothing
4. Blind
5. Winter Skies
6. Forever Is Today
7. Higher We Go
8. Somehow Precious
9. Emancipation Suite I: Dusk
10. Emancipation Suite II: Dawn
11. When Mountains Fall
01. Destiny
02. Hunting High And Low
03. Speed of Light
04. Kiss Of Judas
05. Deep Unknown
06. A Million Light Years Away
07. Bach: Air Suite
08. Winter Skies
09. Phoenix
10. SOS
11. Forever Is Today
12. King Of Nothing
13. Father Time
14. Higher We Go
Disco Oficial en Vivo
Visions of Europe - 1998

Disc 1
1. Requiem 01:34
2. Forever Free 06:35
3. The Kiss of Judas 06:39
4. Father Time 05:09
5. Distant Skies 04:33
6. Season of Change 07:18
7. Speed of Light 03:35
8. Twilight Symphony 07:16
9. Holy Solos 11:14
Disc 2
1. Visions (Southern Cross) 10:11
2. Will The Sun Rise? 06:57
3. Forever 03:48
4. Black Diamond 06:14
5. Against The Wind 05:46
6. Paradise 04:53
7. Legions 06:35
Total playing time 01:38:21
Mp3 320 kbps

Future Shock - 1998

1. Future Shock 04:33
2. Witch-hunt 03:19
Total playing time 07:51
Mp3 192 kbps

Black Night - 1989

1. Black Night 03:43
2. Night Screamer 04:48
Total playing time 08:31
Mp3 192 kbps

Break the Ice - 1992

1. Break the Ice 04:41
2. Lead Us Into the Light 05:46
Total playing time 10:27
Mp3 192 kbps

Wings of Tomorrow - 1995

1. Wings Of Tomorrow 05:08
2. Dreamspace 05:58
3. Against The Wind 03:08
Total playing time 14:14
Mp3 192 kbps

Father Time - 1996

1. Father Time 05:05
2. Uncertainty 06:06
3. Future Shock' 96 04:27
4. Kill The King 04:37
Total playing time 20:15
Mp3 192 kbps

Will the Sun Rise? - 1996

1. Will the Sun Rise? 05:07
2. Speed of Light (live) 03:23
3. Will the Sun Rise? (live) 05:26
4. Eternity (live) 06:33
5. Father Time (live) 06:06
6. Distant Skies (live) 04:24
Total playing time 30:59
Mp3 192 kbps

Black Diamond - 1997

1. Black Diamond 05:45
2. The Kiss of Judas 05:58
3. The Kiss of Judas (demo) 05:58
4. We Hold the Key (live) 07:45
5. 4th Reich (live) 05:45
Total playing time 31:11
Mp3 192 kbps

The Kiss of Judas - 1997

1. The Kiss of Judas 05:49
2. Black Diamond 05:39
3. The Kiss of Judas (demo) 05:49
4. Uncertainty (live) 05:58
5. Fourth Reich (live) 05:44
Total playing time 28:59
Mp3 160 kbps

S.O.S. - 1998

1. S.O.S. 03:47
2. No Turning Back 04:21
3. Blackout (Scorpions cover) 04:07
4. Years Go By 05:14
Total playing time 17:37
Mp3 192 kbps

Hunting High and Low - 2000

1. Hunting High and Low 03:49
2. Millennium 04:10
3. Neon Light Child (non album track) 05:18
4. Hunting High and Low (demo) 04:21
5. Millennium (demo) 04:08
Total playing time 21:46
Mp3 192 kbps

It's a Mystery - 2000
1. It's a Mystery 04:06
2. Why Are We Here? 04:44
Total playing time 08:50
Mp3 320 kbps

A Million Light Years Away - 2000

1. A Million Light Years Away 03:48
2. Celestial Dream 02:32
3. Phoenix (live) 06:33
4. Infinity (live) 09:21
5. A Million Light Years Away (video and more)
Total playing time 22:14
Mp3 192 kbps

Eagleheart - 2002

1. Eagleheart 03:52
2. Run Away (non-album track) 04:54
3. Eagleheart (demo version) 03:30
Total playing time 12:18
Mp3 192 kbps

I Walk to My Own Song - 2003

1. I Walk to My Own Song 05:05
2. Forever (live in Barcelona) 04:39
3. Black Diamond (live in San Sebastian) 07:28
Total playing time 17:12
Mp3 192 kbps

Maniac Dance - 2005

1. Maniac Dance 04:37
2. United (edit) 05:28
3. Maniac Dance (Risto Aikainen Quantum Mix) 03:54
4. Maniac Dance (original demo) 04:39
Total playing time 18:38
Mp3 192 kbps

Revolution Renaissance o "New Era" - 2008

Timo Kotipelto - Vocals
Timo Tolkki - Guitars
Jari Kainulainen - Bass
Jens Johansson - Keyboards
Jörg Michael - Drums
1. Heroes 03:58
2. I Did It My Way 04:24
3. We Are Magic 06:08
4. Angel 04:35
5. Eden Is Burning 05:01
6. Glorious Divine 04:43
7. Born Upon The Cross 05:21
8. Keep The Flame Alive 04:37
9. Last Night On Earth 04:42
10. Revolution Renaissance 05:50
Total playing time 49:19
Mp3 256 kbps

Deep Unknown - 2009

1. Deep Unknown 04:31
2. Higher We Go 03:49
Total playing time 08:20
Mp3 Vbr (240 - 320) kbps

The Past and Now - 1998

1. The Hands of Time 05:36
2. Future Shock 04:34
3. Twilight Time 05:51
4. Chasing Shadows 04:35
5. Dreamspace 05:58
6. Fire Dance Suite 04:58
7. Against The Wind 03:49
8. Twilight Symphony 07:00
9. Will The Sun Rise? 05:07
10. Forever 03:08
11. Black Diamond 05:45
12. The Kiss of Judas 05:56
Total playing time 01:02:17
Mp3 192 kbps

The Chosen Ones - 1999

1. Black Diamond 05:39
2. Twilight Time 05:51
3. Father Time 05:04
4. The Hands Of Time 05:35
5. Dream With Me* 05:13
6. Paradise 04:27
7. Out of the Shadows 04:09
8. Forever 03:08
9. Full Moon* 04:31
10. The Kiss of Judas 05:49
11. S.O.S. 04:18
12. Dreamspace 05:58
13. Against The Wind 03:47
14. Speed of Light 03:07
15. 4000 Rainy Nights 05:49
16. Will The Sun Rise? 05:07
Total playing time 01:17:32
Mp3 320 kbps

14 Diamonds - 2000

1. Hands Of Time 05:36
2. Distant Skies 04:10
3. Tomorrow 04:52
4. Coming Home 05:36
5. Destiny 10:15
6. Future Shock 04:35
7. Black Diamond 05:39
8. Why Are We Here 04:43
9. We Are The Future 05:20
10. Forever 03:06
11. Hunting High and Low 04:08
12. The Kiss Of Judas 05:49
13. Rebel 04:16
14. Mother Gaia 08:18
Total playing time 01:16:23
Mp3 128 kbps

Intermission - 2001

1. Will My Soul Ever Rest In Peace? 04:56
2. Falling Into Fantasy 05:14
3. The Curtains Are Falling 04:25
4. Requiem 02:54
5. Bloodstone (Judas Priest cover) 03:55
6. Kill The King (Rainbow cover) 04:36
7. I Surrender (live) (Rainbow cover) 03:47
8. Keep The Flame 02:48
9. Why Are We Here? 04:43
10. What Can I Say 05:12
11. Dream With Me 05:14
12. When The Night Meets The Day 05:26
13. It's A Mystery 04:04
14. Cold Winter Nights 05:15
15. Hunting High And Low (live) 04:55
Total playing time 01:07:24
Mp3 320 kbps

Black Diamond: The Anthology - 2006

1. Future Shock
2. Break The Ice
3. Hands Of Time
4. Twilight Time
5. Out Of The Shadows
6. Hold Onto Your Dream
7. Dreamspace
8. Atlantis/Abyss
9. Shattered
10. Against The Wind
11. Distant Skies
12. Stratovarius
13. Twilight Symphony
14. Speed Of Light
15. Father Time
16. Will The Sun Rise
17. Stratosphere
18. Forever
19. Kiss Of Judas
21. Forever Free
22. Paradise
23. SOS
24. No Turning Back
25. 4000 Rainy Nights
26. Playing With Fire
27. Hunting High & Low
28. Will My Soul Ever Rest In Peace
29. Eagleheart
30. I Will Walk To My Own Song
31. Destiny
Total playing time 03:00:34
Mp3 192 kbps

Live In 3 Dimensions - 1995
1. Intro
2. Against The Wind
3. Distant Skies
4. Galaxies
5. Future Shock
6. Abyss
7. We Are The Future
8. Keyboard
9. Lead us Into The Light -Winter
10. Lord Of The Wasteland
11. Dreamspace
12. Guitar Solo
13. Out Of The Shadows
14. Twilight Symphony
CD 2
1. We Hold The Key
2. Chasing Shadows
3. Fire Dance Suite
4. Hold on 2 Your Dream
5. The Hands of Time
6. Intro
7. Against The Wind
8. Distant Skies
9. Galaxies
10. Future Shock
11. 4th Reich
12. We are The Future
13. Keyboard Solo
CD 3
1. Lead Us Into the Light
2. Guitar Solo
3. Dreamspace
4. Out of the Shadows
5. Fire Dance Suite
6. Hold on 2 Your Dream
7. The Hands of Time
Mp3 160 kbps

Mirror(el mismo archivo pero partido)

Episode In The East Japan - 1996
CD 1
1. Intro - Speed Of Light
2. Will The Sun Rise
3. Eternity
4. Father Time
5. Uncertainty
6. Tomorrow
7. Solos - Stratosphere
CD 2
1. We Hold The Key
2. Twilight Symphony
3. Distant Skies
4. Forever
5. Legions
6. Agains The Wind
7. Tema
8. The Hands Of Time
Mp3 64 kbps

Visions Over Rio - 1997
CD 1
1. Forever Free
2. Kiss Of Judas
3. Father Time
4. Distant Skies
5. Seasons Of Change
6. Speed Of Light
7. Twilight Symphony
8. Guitar-Keyboard-Drum Solo
CD 2
1. Visions
2. Will The Sun Rise?
3. Forever
4. Paradise
5. Black Diamond
6. Legions
Mp3 128 kbps

Live at Jyrki
01. Paradise
02. No Turning Back
03. Kiss of Judas
04. Speed of Light
05. 4000 Rainy Nights
06. Black Diamond
07. Forever
08. S.O.S
Playing Time: 40:55
Mp3 224 kbps


01. Hold on to your dreams
02. Before the winter
03. Here i go again
04. Temple of the kings
05. Karjalan kunnaila
06. Forever
07. Paradise
Mp3 128 kbps

Live In Chile - 1999
01. Destiny
02. No Turning Back
03. Paradise
04. S.O.S.
05. 4000 Rainy Nights
06. Speed Of Light
07. Stratosphere
08. Drum Solo
09. Anthem Of The World
10. Venus In The Morning
11. Forever Free
12. Keyboard Solo
13. Black Diamond
14. Kiss Of Judas
15. Distant Skies
16. Will The Sun Rise
17. Forever
18. Father Time
Mp3 128 kbps

Osaka, Japan - 2000
01. Intro (a)
02. Intro (b)
03. Hunting High and Low
04. Millenium
05. Against The Wind
06. Mother Gaia
07. Phoenix
08. Father Time
09. The Kiss Of Judas
10. Guitar Solo
11. Speed Of Light
02. Freedom
03. S.O.S.
04. Forever
05. Paradise
06. Black Diamond
Mp3 192 kbps

Infinite - Visions [official bootleg]
01. I surrender [live]
02. Hunting high and low [live]
03. Forever [live]
04. Black diamond [live]
05. Phoenix [live]
06. Infinity [live]
07. Freedom [demo version]
08. Neonlight child [demo version]
09. Hunting high and low [demo version]
10. Millenium [demo version]
11. Eagleheart [demo version]
Mp3 320 kbps

3.Father Time
4.Will My Soul Ever Rest In Peace ?
5.Black Diamond
7.Why Are We Here ?
8.Will The Sun Rise ?
10.Hunting High And Low
Mp3 160 kbps

Elements in Barcelona - 2003
01. Introduction
02. Eagleheart
03. Find Your Own Voice
04. The Kiss Of Judas
05. Speed Of Light
06. Soul Of A Vagabond
07. Destiny + Fantasy
08. Father Time
09. Medley
10. Forever
11. Stratofortress
01. Elements
02. Will The Sun Rise
03. Awating The Band + Els Segadors
04. Seasons Of Change
05. Paradise
06. Hunting High And Low
07. Barcelona - Sois La Polla
08. Black Diamond
09. Greets And Closing
Mp3 128 kbps

Live in Langen(Germany) - 2003
1. Intro
2. Eagleheart
3. The Kiss of Judas
4. Speed Of Light
5. Soul Of A Vagabond
6. Medley
7. I walk to my Own song(Falta esta canción)
8. Destiny - Fantasia
9. Father Time
10. Forever
11. Stratofortress
12. Elements
13. Will The Sun Rise
14. Season Of Change
15. Paradise
16. Hunting High And Low
17. Black Diamond
18. A Drop In The Ocean
Mp3 (128 - 256) kbps y algunos temas en wma 128 kbps

01. Intro 1:10
02. Maniac Dance 4:29
03. Speed Of Light 4:53
04. The Kiss Of Judas 6:16
05. Legions Of The Twilight 6:30
06. Twilight Symphony 7:44
07. Will The Sun Rise 5:41
08. Bass Solo 4:42
09. The Land Of Ice And Snow 4:41
10. United 8:05
11. Against The Wind 4:30
12. Season Of Change 8:19
13. Father Time 5:07
14. Crowd 3:34
15. Coming Home 7:05
16. Destiny (Cut) 6:47
17. Hunting High And Low 4:59
18. Crowd 2:29
19. Forever 7:06
20. Black Diamond 11:10
Mp3 192 kbps


Cd 1
01 - Speed Of Light
02 - Will The Sun Rise
03 - Eternity
04 - Father Time
05 - Uncertainty
06 - Tomorrow
07 - Stratosphere
Cd 2
01 - We Hold The Key
02 - Twilight Symphony
03 - Distant Skies
04 - Forever
05 - Unreleased New Song
06 - Against The Wind
07 - Reign Of Terror
08 - The Hands Of Time
Mp3 192 kbps

Tokyo, Japan( 01-22-06)
Disc 1
1. Intro
2. Hunting High And Low
3. Speed Of Light
4. The Kiss Of Judas
5. SOS
6. Maniac Dance
7. Destiny
8. Against The Wind
9. bass solo
10. Coming Home
11. Land Of Ice And Snow
Disc 2
1. Twilight Symphony pt 1
2. Twilight Symphony pt 2
3. United
4. Father Time
5. Ode To Joy
6. Forever
7. Paradise
8. keyboards intro
9. Black Diamond
10. Outro
Mp3 192 kbps

Chile - 2009
01. Destiny (parchado)
02. Hunting High & Low
03. Speed of Light
04. The Kiss of Judas
05. Deep Unknown
06. A Million Light Years Away
07. Winter Skies
08. Phoenix
09. Solos guitarra y bajo
10. Forever is Today
11. Twilight Symphony
12. Higher We Go
13. Eagleheart
14. Forever
15. Father Time
16. Black Diamond
wma 160 kbps

Live at Jyrki TV, Finland 1998 TVRIP
01. Paradise
02. No Turning Back
03. Kiss of Judas
04. Speed of Light
05. 4000 Rainy Nights
06. Black Diamond
07. Forever
08. S.O.S
Playing Time: 40:55

Tuska Metal Festival 2003

Excelente pero algunos de los link estan caidos